Tine 2.0 is an open source project which combines groupware and CRM in one consistent interface. Tine 2.0 is web-based and optimises collaboration and organisation of groups in a lasting manner. (source: www.tine20.org)
Being web-based Tine 2.0 needs an ordinary browser as client. While so-called 'rich internet applications' create a true workspace atmosphere within the browser, desktop integration is still missing. Recent approaches for desktop integration are e.g. 'web apps' (also supported by Tine 2.0) but they are still tied into the browser since they are normal websites with a bit of extra metadata. To overcome the barrier between websites and desktops you have to take one step out of your browser, eventually:
Purse is a site-specific browser based on Mozilla's XULRunner which in turn is a browser itself. Within Tine 2.0 you get exactly the feeling you have using Firefox - it's the same engine. But you can have additional functionality which goes beyond the limits of browser.
XULRunner allows interference with DOM and JavaScript of a website very much as Firefox extensions can do. After Tine 2.0 is loaded you can change its appearance and functions without manipulating the original sources. For example you can simulate a click on a button to e.g. open a new mail window or redefine the function which is utilized to show notifications.
On OS-side you can interact with your application by e.g. command line parameters. Since it is a 'single instance' application you can give cli parameters after the initial instance is running, too. See below what you can do:
johannes@linuxpc:~/>./tine2.0 -h
Usage: ./tine2.0 [ options ... ] [URL]
where options include:
Tine 2.0 specific options
Usage: tine2.0 [APP] [-compose|CONTENT]
Running tine2.0 without any options brings main window to front. If [APP] is
specified but no further argument is given the choosen app panel gets activated.
To open new editor window of [APP] a second argument is madatory. Specifying
[-compose] will open an empty window otherwise default content can be provided
as described below whereas [CONTENT] differs from app to app.
-mail or Content is expected to be a rfc 2368 compatible URL, e.g.
-felamimail 'mailto://user@example.com?subject=Test'.
-contacts or Provide path to a vCard file (vcf)
-calendar Provide path to a iCal file (ics)
-tasks Provide path to a iCal file (ics)
-logout Log current user out and close Purse.
Find some screenshots below or visit subpage Screenshots to see more.
Although XULRunner is mostly platform independent some functionality is not. Especially packaging is little different per OS and there are no installers currently.
You can download the platform independent code (aka Purse) below. To use it you need to add XULRunner to it which depends on the OS you are using. I have no Mac OS X available, if you want to add Mac content please contact me.
Purse versions:
I myself am using Linux and Gnome. Fast install instructions (for now)
See subpage Windows for instructions on how to package Purse for Windows.
New: Installer for Windows (Version 0.3)
Every time you setup a new account or update Purse anonymous usage data will be sent to me after the exact data was prompted to you and you gave your allowance. It is only to keep track of usage, I'm not interested in who you are or what you use Purse for. All I want to know is how many users on how many different systems are using Purse.
If you would like to help developing Purse please contact me. Purse is mostly written in Javascript. I'm especially looking for a Mac OS developer who can test and would do the desktop integration and packaging.
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@Uta: Hm, das habe ich noch nicht bedacht. Geht es bei dir mit Strg+Mausrad?
Erstellt von Johannes, 08/12/2015 3:11am (vor 9 Jahre)
es ist ein super klasse Tool. Nur eine Frage hab ich noch. Die verwendete Schrift ist arg klein.
Kann ich in Purse die Schriftgröße/Zoom anpassen?
Danke für deine Mühen!
Erstellt von Uta, 23/11/2015 11:31am (vor 9 Jahre)
Hello, i have a Problem with the Windows Installer. I can´t download because i haven´t the rights to download it. Please check the link.
Erstellt von Stephan, 01/08/2015 10:19am (vor 10 Jahre)
@Marc: Derzeit nicht, mich stört es aber auch. Vielleicht in Zukunft - man kann die Mozilla Wörterbücher theoretisch alle auch in Purse verwenden...
Erstellt von Johannes, 01/04/2015 6:06am (vor 10 Jahre)
gibt es eigentlich auch eine Möglichkeit die Sprache von Purse auf deutsch zu verändern, so dass z.B. in Emails nicht der ganze Text rot unterstrichen wird?
Lieben Gruß
Erstellt von Marc Lewin, 24/02/2015 12:28pm (vor 10 Jahre)
ja, das hat geholfen!
Bei mir funktioniert tinePurse 0.3 jetzt auch unter xubuntu mit dem NVIDIA binary driver und XULRunner 31.0.
Vielen Dank!
Viele Grüße
Erstellt von Christian, 24/08/2014 5:03pm (vor 11 Jahre)
I changed Purse to work with XULRunner until including version 31.0.
- The windows installer ships with XULRunner 31.0
- Note: Recent versions of XULRunner do NOT WORK within my Linux environment. If you have troubles try version 24.0 instead.
@Christian: Bitte lade die source ZIP erneut.
Erstellt von Johannes Nohl, 10/08/2014 7:10pm (vor 11 Jahre)
das hilft leider auch nicht:
(process:2889): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed
Error: Platform version '24.0' is not compatible with
minVersion >= 17.0
maxVersion <= 22.*
Viele Grüße
Erstellt von Christian, 05/08/2014 6:42pm (vor 11 Jahre)
@Christian: Ich habe leider keine Idee. Sieht nach einem Problem mit dem xulrunner aus.
Hast du es mal mit einer neueren Version versucht? So 24 oder 31 (das sind extended support releases)?
Erstellt von Johannes Nohl, 30/07/2014 12:20am (vor 11 Jahre)
Guten Tag,
ich nutze tinePurse 0.3 unter Xubuntu 14.04 und xulrunner-22.0.en-US.linux-x86_64.
mit dem Grafikkartentreiber:
X.Org-X-Server (xserver-xorg-video-noveau) - funktioniert tinePurse.
Wenn ich den Nvidia-Treiber:
NVIDIA binary driver version 331.38 nvidia-331-updates
verwende, startet tinePurse nicht.
(process:16105): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed
###!!! ABORT: X_GLXDestroyPixmap: GLXBadPixmap; 4 requests ago: file /builds/slave/rel-m-rel-xr_l64_bld-000000000/build/toolkit/xre/nsX11ErrorHandler.cpp, line 157
###!!! ABORT: X_GLXDestroyPixmap: GLXBadPixmap; 4 requests ago: file /builds/slave/rel-m-rel-xr_l64_bld-000000000/build/toolkit/xre/nsX11ErrorHandler.cpp, line 157
Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
Hat dazu jemand eine Idee?
Viele Grüße
Erstellt von Christian, 26/07/2014 3:31pm (vor 11 Jahre)
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